Zoo Med Mite Off Reptile Insecticide

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Controls mites in captive reptile collections. Mite Off contains colloids; small electrically charged molecules that can penetrate and disrupt simple organisms like mites. Completely non-toxic and safe for the water supply and environment (no EPA listed pesticide ingredients).

Additional Information:

Mite Off has no effect on vertebrate species and other complex organisms including humans, reptiles, dogs, cats, and plants.


  • Spray evenly over entire body, legs, and tail. Make sure to spray skin folds, as this is where many mites will hide.
  • Throughly spray entire enclosure including substrate, rock heaters, cage furniture, etc.
  • If mites are observed on your reptile(s) after 48 hours from the initial treatment, they are most likely hours from the initial treatment, they are most likely dead and can be rinsed from the animal with water.
  • Reapply as necessary, but allow 3 days between treatments.
  • For snakes, lizards, and land tortoises only. Do not use on amphibians or arachnids.